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New mommy. Southern. Conservative. Sorority woman. Army wife. Avid reader.

26 September 2010

Let Down

Day Fourteen: A hero who has let you down (a letter)
Dear Hero,
I've always looked up to you. I've always admired you. It was such a disappointment when I found out what you had done. You are better than that. I know you are. You may not think you are, but you're selling yourself short. I don't know if you consciously try to sabotage anything good that comes your way or if you just don't think before you act. I am so crestfallen when I hear about you making such poor decisions. I still love you and I still care about you and I will always be proud of you overcoming adversity, but I want to be able to trust you again. I want to trust you and have faith that you are trying to walk down the right path. I want to see you be the person you were meant to be and not someone who hurts the people that love you most.

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