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New mommy. Southern. Conservative. Sorority woman. Army wife. Avid reader.

16 July 2010

Days 26-27

Day Twenty-Six: Your week in great detail

I really do not have much to tell! I've bounced between a hotel and the Captain's room on post for the week and helped him get ready for his next trip (laundry, packing, organizing). I've unpacked my own stuff and tried to get into as much of a routine as possible. Finally watched Big Brother last night. I've been doing my best to communicate with friends and family back in the States. We've really just been super lazy all week!

Day Twenty-Seven: Your month in great detail

The first day of July I embarked on my journey to Japan! I flew from Nashville to Chicago to Tokyo and finally to Okinawa. After 23 hours I was reunited with the Captain and I think we were equally thrilled. Since then, we've just been trying to get settled and plan out how things will work out here. I think I've already mentioned everything I have done this month in the first part of this blog and my previous blog!

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